If you’re reading this, chances are you’re at least peripherally aware of the fact that climate change is happening. It’s a trend that’s been building for decades, with dire consequences for our planet and its inhabitants. We can’t afford to ignore it because it will only get worse if we do.

Given the already-obvious effects of climate change, one might ask, “why is it a ‘now or never proposition?’ “It’s because the window of time to take action to prevent catastrophic climate change is closing quickly. The Earth is warming at a rate of 0.17 degrees Celsius per decade, which significantly impacts our climate

The impacts are especially being felt at the poles, where the Earth’s axial tilt is such that it affects the amount of sunlight received at any one time. This article will look at how it all happens (the causes) and the likely effects of continued climate change.

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Weather Forecast

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17. Soil Degradation

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